LMS for AMI Bespoke Training

About the Project

In May 2020, the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI) engaged the services of MemberBoat to create a Learning Management System (LMS) – an application for creating, delivering and managing digital learning content such as online courses, tutorials and assessments – that would provide the foundations for a bespoke training program supporting the delivery of successful digital events in the tourism industry.

Client: AMI

Category: Member Engagement

Date: 2020

Our work

It is more important than ever for organisations to provide robust online learning and maintain Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programs. So the MemberBoat team was delighted to assist the Australian Marketing Institute in upgrading its online learning platform capabilities through a new Learning Management System. The bespoke LMS subsequently helped AMI win a competitive bid to roll out an online, on-demand course to 120 participants from the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia over a two-week period. The course enabled each participant to submit a virtual event marketing plan assessment, of which the top 12 were pitched to the Ministry and an Australian panel of experts, with the top six awarded funding to execute their events.


MemberBoat’s support allowed AMI to launch the ultimately successful bespoke training program for the Ministry of Tourism & Creative Economy by creating a custom learning management platform featuring course content, videos, content library, live sessions, chat rooms and mentor sessions. The training offering was developed in line with AMI’s vision to help members keep up with the rapid pace of change in the pandemic-affected world and demonstrate the influence marketing and events can have in elevating brands and organisations. 

As a result of MemberBoat’s input, AMI is now able to use the LMS to create further bespoke training programs and workshops focusing on the challenges and goals of various other organisations moving forward.

Furthermore, the adopted Virtual Events: Best Practices and Ideas course on the platform bagged the national winner of the 2020 Australian Event Awards in the Best Event Training and Education category. Read more about the award.

Ongoing support

The development and implementation of the Learning Management System enabled the AMI to rapidly roll out the Ministry’s online course. Since then, the Institute has also started to take advantage of the platform to stage the SME Marketing Hub, an online marketing course tailored specifically for professionals working in small and medium-sized businesses who want to learn the skills, tips and strategies necessary to generate better results from marketing initiatives. Three intakes of the Virtual and Hybrid Events Course has also been run in the latter half of 2020.

MemberBoat will continue to provide ongoing support to help the AMI team meet these digital learning objectives through the platform. 

Client testimonial

“MemberBoat helped AMI with the setup of the bespoke Learning Management System used to deliver the new training program for the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia. Organisations must now be able to deliver digital events effectively to maintain brand presence and continue serving their customer base even when face-to-face interaction is not possible – and to that end MemberBoat’s expertise and guidance made it simple for our professional development team to put together this course, provide the training and manage the assessment process.
This platform will also continue to allow us to work side by side with other organisations and businesses looking to support their teams through enhanced marketing and events.”

– Naredra Prasad, AMI General Manager

Event look & feel

Event look & feel

Awards Landing Page

Awards landing page

PowerPoint Presentation

Social media banenrs