Member Digital Journey Workboook

$34.00 incl GST

Member digital journey mapping is a visual representation of what your members go through from the moment they’ve first heard about your association to becoming loyal and engaged volunteers and ambassadors. This workbook provides a detailed step-by-step guide of creating member personas and mapping out the member digital journey.


In the age of customer centricity, journey mapping is an essential process that helps associations to better understand their potential and current members; and identify the issues customers have in their journey. Member journey mapping is a powerful tool your association can use to create a highly personalised member experience.

What’s in the book?

  • A step-by-step guide to creating your member digital journey – from data collection and identify your main customer journey touchpoints, to creating your member personas and mapping out your member digital journey;
  • A Member Persona and Member Journey Map templates.

You can read about the Member Journey Mapping in our recent blog post.

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